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According to New Media Age, Codegent is 'one to watch' for this year. So what are the big predictions for 2007?
Prediction 1
Lot's of video based projects, we've already built 18 Doughty Street and we're in the final stages of a fabulous project for Youth Music. More on that in the next few weeks
Prediction 2
We've made the decision to do our best to work with clients as early on in their decision-making process. In a recent advert in Revolution, we described ourselves as "Digital Shrinks". Talking to people and helping them bounce ideas around is what we do day in and day out and it's what we love.
Prediction 3
We're almost 3 years old now and like any 3 year old, we want to show off about all the great things we can do. So far this year we have got good press coverage in Marketing for the Detox with Evian site, New Media Age for our Youth Music win, BBC's Newsnight for 18 Doughty Street and The Guardian for
We're hoping that in 2007, we'll do more great work, win more lovely clients and get more recognition for it. In short, we're hoping to prove New Media Age right. So, if you fancy popping in for a chat about how digital is working for you or even a moan, we've always got the kettle on and a friendly ear.