Bunny taking off! close

Bunny taking off!
Just checked our stats on the new Google analytics site (got myself on the beta). Looks like "Highway to Bunny Heaven" http://bunny.codegent.net/ (a game developed in our labs) is taking off, people from all around the globe playing the game. Following some of the referers back I found the game listed on Inbox Junkies, and to my surprise we are top of the rating chart with 90%. This really rocks as we haven't really started seeding it in a big way, and its already gaining popularity up on viral game sites.
One interesting thing from the stats was that roughly 80% of people visiting the site have flash player 8 already installed. If you havent upgraded to 8 yet, you should do it today. I can think of two good reasons:
1. Security: a recent vulnerability in all older versions of flash was identified by Microsoft (funny eh, Microsoft finding bugs in other people's software). This is a critical issue, which basically means if you want to be safe on that interweb better upgrade sharpish. You can do that easily using the link below, it only takes a mo.
2. Our Bunny game! Normally we have to code to version 7 with games (6 if we are working for Auntie). However using the latest player for games has some big performance and rendering adavantages. This helps keep the game running smooth even though there is quite a lot going on. If you haven't already, install Flash 8, checkout Bunny, and email to all your friends.
Oh and happy easter all. (its easter soon right?)
- Luke