Happy New Year close

2005 has come and gone and what a year it was! We picked up lots of new clients and hired more people. We ended up producing some great projects for the BBC and built a hugely successful recruitment website for Gap.
We also met lots of fabulous people who in various ways have suppported us. Some gave us work, some introduced us to people who gave us work, some ended up working for us and some were just inspirational people we want to stay in touch with.
Whilst the rest of the world was relaxing over Christmas, we were pressing on, launching two sites in time for January the 1st. The first one was a microsite for Evian which aims to help Christmas over-indulgers get their bodies back on the straight and narrow with tips and techniques and a pretty cool competition.
The second was a promotion for Tiger Beer; a site to support a sales promotion campaign created by our good friends, Toucan.
So what about 2006? So far we have a lot on and a lot more in the pipeline. In the run-up to Christmas we were overawed by the amount of opportunities that seem to be coming our way. We're always too cautious about counting our chickens, but all the signs are good. We've just hired a new designer and animator and we're in the process of hiring a new project manager.